Monday, April 23, 2012

My First 5K

If you follow me on twitter, you know that I have started walking long distances three or four times a week.  I would love to be running four or five miles but my back will not let me.  So I have been doing lots of walking.  I decided at the end of March that I was going to sign up for my first 5K.  Although I wouldn't be running, I knew I wanted to walk around 15 minute miles.  So I started to prep for the 5K.  On Saturday, I completed my first 5K in 41 minutes and 38 seconds or 13:21 minute miles.  I can't believe  I was able to go as fast as I did.    I enjoyed myself so much that I actually signed up for another one on May 5th.

For my first 5K, I wanted to wear a cute workout look but still remain comfortable while walking.  I am not a fan of running shorts ( although I own a few).  I feel like the shorts are always riding up so I went with capris that work perfectly and do not ride up.

Tek Gear Fit & Flare Performance Capris – Pink – Kohl’s, Tek Gear Seamless Performance Sports Bra – Pink – Kohl’s, Tek Gear Basic Tee – Pink – Kohl’s (similar), Adidas Supernova - Adidas Outlet (similar

As I have been doing my Get Fit 2012 routine, I have had questions about meals that I am eating and other questions.  Since this blog is more fashion related, I decided to start another blog for healthy recipes called Keeping It On The Skinny.  I post twice a week and include healthy Weight Watcher based recipes.  I hope you will check it out!

I am linking up for Monday Mingle!
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